This is bold text
This is italic text
This is underlined text
This is strike text
This is left aligned sided text

This is center aligned sided text

This is right aligned sided text

This is centered text, this version is easy to center and uncenter anything on your screen.

This is red text using named colours
This is purple text using hex codes
This is using rainbow c o l o r s
This is big text
This is normal text
This is tiny text
This is small text
This is font size 1
This is font size 2
This is font size 3
This is font size 4
This is font size 5
This is font size 6
This is font size 14
This is different mix of shit
This is Verdana font
This is Comic Sans MS font
This is three fonts, where the first is used if you have it on your computer, otherwise it tries the second, then the third.
Click here to go to a predefined part of the page
1 2 3

5 6
7 8 9